Lesson One - An Introduction to Run BASIC
Copyright 2007 Shoptalk Systems
All Rights Reserved
What is Run BASIC?
Programming: What is it?
An Introduction to BASIC
GOTO - Doing something more than once
IF...THEN - Adding smarts to our programs
String variables
Some things to do with strings
Documenting BASIC code
Let's write a program - HILO.BAS
Complete listing for HILO.BAS
Run BASIC is a special version of the BASIC programming language. It has many of the qualities that made BASIC popular and successful as the first widely used language for computers:
In addition Run BASIC is specially designed to be a version of BASIC for the web. Your programs can run in a web browser without your writing any special web code at all. If you want to use some web features you can add those optionally.
There's nothing mystical about programming computers. Although the newest
software on the market today begins to look like magic, all software is built
from the ground up out of combinations of the simplest software parts. Once you
learn what these software parts are and how they're used, hard work and
imagination can take you almost anywhere.
Programming is (simply put) the laying out of simple steps to solve a problem,
and in a way that a computer can understand. This is a little bit like teaching
a person. These steps must be arranged in the correct order.
For example:
How to drive a car with automatic transmission:
Get into drivers seat ;
Fasten safety belt ;
Insert ignition key and turn it to start engine ;
Press brake with foot ;
Move transmission selection to D ;
Look around to see if you're safe ;
Remove foot from brake ;
Press accelerator pedal with foot ;
Manuever into traffic ;
Don't crash
Obviously if the above steps are scrambled up (and maybe even if they aren't)
you're in for a pretty big insurance claim. Not only that, but if the
instructions are given to someone who speaks only, say, Chinese, we will have a
similarly spectacular crash! In the same way, computers are particular about
both the order and content of the instructions we give them.
A program in its simplest form usually contains three kinds of activity:
INPUT The program asks the user for some kind of information ;
CALCULATION The program transforms or manipulates the information ;
OUTPUT The program displays the final result of CALCULATION
It is the programmer's job to determine exactly how to accomplish these steps.
BASIC (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was created in the
1960's as an easy to learn programming language for computers. Because of
BASIC's simple form and because it was an interpreted language and gave the
programmer instant feedback, it became the most popular programming language
when microcomputers made their debut, and it has a large following even today.
This tutorial introduces the first principles of Run BASIC, but doesn't provide
a thorough description of all language features. For more on the full language
and command set, refer to the documentation included with your copy of Run
Salestax.bas, a simple BASIC program.
Now let's create a very simple program to introduce you to the simplest of
BASIC's features. We want a BASIC program that:
1 - Asks for a dollar and cent amount for goods ;
2 - Calculates a 5% sales tax amount for the dollar and cent figure ;
3 - Displays the tax amount the total amount
INPUT - First we need an instruction for the computer that gets information from
the user. In BASIC there are several ways to do this but we will choose the
input command for our program. In this case input would be used like so:
input "Type a dollar and cent amount ?";
^------this is a variable
This line of BASIC code will display the words, "Type a dollar and cent amount
?", and the computer will stop and wait for the user to type something in. When
the [Enter] key is pressed, the typed information will then be stored in the
variable* amount.
*variable - In programming, you must assign each bit of data (or information) a
unique name. This combination of a name and its data is called a variable
because the data part can vary each time the program is used. When you edit a
program, you choose a name for each variable. You pick the name for each
variable to best fit the kind of data it represents. BASIC doesn't care what
names you assign to your variables, except you can't use the names of BASIC
commands or functions (called reserved words). Choose names that make it easy
for anyone to understand what the BASIC program code means and does. When
running a program, BASIC uses the data part of the variable in its calculations.
BASIC uses the name of the variable to fetch its data part or to store new data
in that variable. Variable data can change many times during the execution of a
BASIC program.
CALCULATION - Now we need to calculate the tax for the data in our amount
let tax = amount * 0.05
This line of code creates a new variable called "tax" to hold our computed tax
data. The BASIC command, "let", tells BASIC to calculate the arithmetic on the
right side of the = and set the data of the variable "tax" equal the results of
the equation. The "let" word is optional (and most programmers leave it out) but
I use it here as an example of BASIC syntax. It could have been coded as
tax = amount * 0.05
Now you may be wondering what is that funny little '*' (called asterisk). Since
there are no formal arithmatic symbols on a typewriter keyboard, most
programming languages use * to denote multiplication, / for division, and the
addition and subtraction symbols get lucky and are + and - (what else?).
OUTPUT - Now that we have calculated our tax amount, we will display it with:
print "Tax is: "; tax; ". Total is: "; tax +
The print command displays the information to the screen. The line of code above
shows how print is used to display several items of data, each separated by a
';' (semicolon).
The items are:
"Tax is: " | This displays on screen as is, but without the quotation marks |
tax | This displays the value of the variable tax |
". Total is: " | This also displays on screen as is, but without quotation marks |
tax + amount | This displays the sum of the two variables, tax and amount |
These will all be displayed on the same line. The semicolons are
not displayed. Each print command is followed by a carriage return. The result
might look like this:
Tax is: 0.05. Total is: 1.05
Now let's run the program. Type or cut/paste the following program into the Run
BASIC editor so that it looks as shown.
input "Type a dollar and cent amount?";
let tax = amount * 0.05
print "Tax is: "; tax; ". Total is: "; tax+amount
Now run the program by clicking on the Run button. Here is a sample run:
Type a dollar and cent amount??1.20
Tax is: 0.06. Total is: 1.26
Now let's save our program. Click on the Save Project button. Now type the name
salestax and click on Save.
GOTO - Doing something more than once
Assuming that our tax program does what we want (see previous section), it
still only does it once. Each time you want to use this handy little program you
have to run it again. This can get to be tedious and even error prone (say
rubber baby buggy bumpers ten times fast). What we need is a way for our program
to go to the beginning and do it over. In BASIC (and in some other languages)
the command for doing this is called GOTO (surprise!).
Knowing that we have to goto some place is not enough. We also need to know
where to go. When you hop into your car in a foreign country looking for a food
market, you at least know what you are looking for. Run BASIC can't ask for
directions, so you need to be very precise.
The mechanism that Run BASIC uses to mark places that we can goto is called a
branch label. This is a lot like a mailing address. When you send a letter or
package, you mark it with a known mailing address (hopefully). There is a house
or building somewhere marked with that address, and that is where your parcel
goes to. So in the same way, you mark the place in your BASIC program where you
want it to continue running with a branch label (a mailing address of sorts).
There are two ways to define a branch label in Run BASIC. You can use any valid
integer number as a branch label, or you can use an easier to remember type
which uses letters.
Examples of integer branch labels:
10 150 75 900 5400 etc...
Examples of alphanumeric (using letters and numbers) branch labels:
[start] [loopBack] [getResponse] [point1] etc...
Examples of unacceptable branch labels:
[loop back] no spaces allowed
start must use brackets
(point1) only use square brackets
Since no spaces are allowed in the alphanumeric branch labels, it works well to
capitalize the first letter in each word when multiple words are used in a
branch label. For example [gettimedresponse] is valid, but [getTimedResponse] is
much more readable.
So let's pick a branch label for our salestax.bas program. Since we are going to
do it over again from the start, we could pick from several reasonable branch
label names like perhaps [start], [begin], or [go]. We will use [start] for our
Let's add the branch label as shown:
input "Type a dollar and cent amount "; amount
let tax = amount * 0.05
print "Tax is: "; tax; ". Total is: "; tax + amount
Now we need our goto line. Now that we have our branch label, the correct format
for goto is goto [start]. And here's what our program looks like when both a
branch label and a goto:
input "Type a dollar and cent amount "; amount
let tax = amount * 0.05
print "Tax is: "; tax; ". Total is: "; tax + amount
goto [start]
Now let's try running this program. It runs over and over and over, right? This
programming format is called an unconditional loop because it always loops back
to repeat the same code no matter what.
IF...THEN - Adding smarts to our programs
The program we designed above will only do one thing for us, no frills. Let's
learn how to add some smarts to our program. One way that this can be done is
with the if . . . then statement.
The if . . . then statement is a direct descendant of those do-it-yourself style
instruction manual texts. For example:
Problem: Your car's engine won't turn over
1) Check your battery for correct voltage.
2) If voltage is less then 11 volts then goto to step 13
3) Clean and tighten ground connection.
4) If this doesn't solve the trouble, continue to step 5.
5) Remove the starter.
6) Connect starter directly to battery
7) If starter does not spin then goto step 18
8) Check starter relay.
. . .
13) Charge battery
. . .
18) See chapter 4 on rebuilding the starter unit
Notice how in the above example how you are led smartly through the
troubleshooting procedure. The steps containing the words if and then make it
possible to intelligently work through a complex procedure. In the same way, the
if . . . then statement in BASIC makes it possible to add a kind of intelligence
to your programs.
Let's see how we can apply this. Suppose we want the computer to give us the
option to display instructions about how to use our tax program. An easy way to
add this ability would be to display instructions whenever a zero value is
entered as our dollar amount.
Now, whenever input is used to get a number from the user, if the user doesn't
type a number but only presses the [Enter] key, then Run BASIC uses the value of
the amount variable (initially zero). We can exploit this feature in our sales
tax program. By checking to see if the variable equals zero after the input
statement, we can decide whether or not to display instructions.
Here's what our new program looks like:
print "Type a dollar and cent amount."
input "(Press 'Enter' alone for help) ?"; amount
if amount = 0 then goto [help]
let tax = amount * 0.05
print "Tax is: "; tax; ". Total is: "; tax + amount
goto [start]
print "This tax program determines how much tax is"
print "due on an amount entered and also computes"
print "the total amount. The tax rate is 5%"
goto [start]
Notice the line "if amount = 0 then goto [help]" in the program above. When Run
BASIC execute this line, it checks to see if the variable is equal to 0. If the
variable equals zero, then the goto[help] statement in the line is executed.
Just BASIC then begins executing the instructions after the [help] branch label.
The if...then statement reads exactly like it executes.
Actually, the goto part of the if . . . then statement is optional. Either of
these two forms is acceptable:
if amount = 0 then goto [help]
- or -
if amount = 0 then [help]
Comparing numbers - The = (equality) operator is only one of several that can be
used to make decisions in an if . . . then statement. We can use the if . . .
then statement and the ( =, <>, <, >, <=, >= ) operators to determine whether:
a = b | a is equal to b |
a <> b | a is unequal to b |
a < b | a is less than b |
a > b | a is greater than b |
a <= b | a is less than or equal to b |
a >= b | a is greater than or equal to b |
For example, instead of checking to see if amount was equal to 0 in the above
program, we could have checked to see whether it was less than 0.01 (or one
cent). For example:
if amount < 0.01 then goto [help]
When you run the program above you will probably notice that the things
displayed sort of run together. There are things that we can do to neaten up the
appearance of a BASIC program. We can add extra blank lines between our printed
output to break things up. This is done by using an empty print statement, one
for each blank line. We can also clear the window at an appropriate time with
the cls statement. Both of these techniques are applied to our tax program in
the listing below:
print "Type a dollar and cent amount."
input "(Press 'Enter' alone for help) ?"; amount
if amount = 0 then [help]
let tax = amount * 0.05
print "Tax is: "; tax; ". Total is: "; tax + amount
goto [start]
print "SALESTAX.BAS Help"
print "This tax program determines how much tax is"
print "due on an amount entered and also computes"
print "the total amount. The tax rate is 5%."
input "Press [Enter] to continue."; dummyVariable
goto [start]
Notice the line 'input "Press [Enter] to continue."; dummyVariable' in the
listing. In this example, we are using an input statement to halt the program,
so the instructions can be read. When [Enter] is pressed as instructed,
dummyVariable receives the value of what is entered. In this case, only [Enter]
is pressed, so dummyVariable gets a value of zero for its data. It really
doesn't matter what dummyVariable's data is since we don't use the variable in
any calculations elsewhere (hence the name dummyVariable).
So far, the only kind of variables we have used are for holding number
values. There are special variables for holding words and other non-numeric
character combinations. These variables are called string variables (they hold
strings of characters*).
*Characters are:
Letters of the alphabet ;
Digits 0123456789 ;
Any other special symbols like: , . < > / ? ; : ' " [ ] { } ` ~ ! @ # $ %
^ & * ( ) + - \ | etc . . .
Let's look at a very simple program using strings:
input "Please type your name ?"; name$
print "It's nice to meet you, "; name$
This two-line program asks you for your name. Once you've typed it and pressed
[Enter], it responds with:
It's nice to meet you, your-name-here
Notice one special thing about our string variable name. It ends with a $
(dollar sign). In BASIC, when you want to store characters in a variable, you
end the variable name with a $. This makes it a string variable. As you can see
from our program example, you can both input and print with string variables, as
we did earlier with our non-string or numeric variables.
We've actually been using strings all along, even before this section about
string variables. Whenever you saw a BASIC program line with words in quotes
(for example: print "It's nice to meet you, ") you were looking at what is
called a string literal. This is a way to directly express a string in a BASIC
program, exactly the way we type numbers directly in, only with characters
instead. A string literal always starts with a quotation mark and always ends
with a quotation mark. No quotation marks are allowed in between the starting
and ending quotation marks (point: string literals cannot contain quotation
NOTE - A string can have zero characters. Such a string is often called an empty
string. In BASIC, an empty string can be expressed in a string literal as two
quotation marks without any characters between them. For example
(noCharactersHere$ is the name of our string variable):
let noCharactersHere$ = ""
Some things to do with strings
Just as you can manipulate numbers in a computer programming language by
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, (and more!), we can also
manipulate strings
Adding strings - We can add (or concatenate) two or more strings together in
BASIC like so:
input "What is your first name ?";
input "What is your last name ?"; lastName$
let fullName$ = firstName$ + " " + lastName$
print "Your full name is: "; fullName$
In this short program, we input two strings, your first and last name. Then we
concatenate the string in firstName$ with the string literal " " (a single space
between two quotes) and with lastName$. The result is made the data for the
string variable fullName$, which we then print out.
Comparing strings - We can compare strings with each other just as we can
compare numbers. This means that we can use the if . . . then statement and the
( =, <>, <, >, <=, >= ) operators to determine whether:
a$ = b$ | a$ is equal to b$ |
a$ <> b$ | a$ is unequal to b$ |
a$ < b$ | a$ is less than b$ |
a$ > b$ | a$ is greater than b$ |
a$ <= b$ | a$ is less than or equal to b$ |
a$ >= b$ | a$ is greater than or equal to b$ |
When comparing strings, a string is considered to be equal to another string
when all the characters in one string are exactly the same in both strings. This
means that even if they both print the same onto the screen, they can still be
unequal if one has an invisible space on the end, and the other doesn't. For
a$ = "Hello"
b$ = "Hello "
print "a$ is "; a$
print "b$ is "; b$
if a$ = b$ then goto [areTheSame]
print "a$ and b$ are not the same"
goto [end]
print "a$ and b$ are the same"
When the line if a$ = b$ then goto [same] is performed, the result is not to
goto [same], because even though if a$ and b$ were printed they would look the
same, they are not actually the same.
Now that we've covered bringing data into your programs with input,
displaying data with print, keeping data in string and numeric variables, and
controlling program flow with if . . . then, we will bring one more way to light
to flesh out your programs. Functions provide a means for manipulating program
data in meaningful ways.
Look this short program:
input "Please type your name ?"; name$
print "Your name is "; len(name$); " characters long."
The second line demonstrates the use of the len( ) function. The len( ) function
returns the number of characters in a string. The expression inside of the
parenthesis must either be a string literal, a string variable, or an expression
that evaluates to be a string. This identifies len( ) as a string function.
There are other string functions (for example: val( ), trim$( ) ). The result
returns is a number and can be used in any mathematical expression.
There are numeric functions as well. For example:
let count = count + 1
print "The sine of "; count; " is "; sin(count)
if count < 45 then goto [start]
This simple program lists the sines for the values from 1 to 45. The sin( )
function takes the value of count enclosed in parenthesis and returns the sine
(a function in trigonometry, a branch of mathematics) for that value. Just like
the len( ) function above, cos( ) and other numeric functions can be used as
parts of bigger expressions. We will see how this works just a little further
Notice also the way the program counts from 1 to 45. On the first pass, count is
equal to zero until it gets to the line let count = count + 1 which makes sets
the data for variable count to be one more than its value at that point. Then
the program prints the sine of count (the sine of one, in other words). After
this, the line if count < 45 goto [start] checks to see if the data for count is
less than 45. If it is, then BASIC goes back to the branch label [start] to do
it again. This happens over and over until count reaches a value of 45, and then
it doesn't go back to [start] again, but instead having no more lines of code to
run, the program stops.
Going back to execute code over again is called looping. We saw this earlier
when we first used the goto statement. In our first use of goto, the program
always looped back. In this newest example program we see going back to execute
code over again, but based on a condition (in this case whether count is less
than 45). This is called conditional looping (you guessed it, the looping that
always happens is called unconditional looping, or infinite looping).
When writing very short and simple BASIC programs, it isn't usually difficult
to grasp how they work when reading them days or even weeks later. When a
program starts to get large then it can be much harder. There are things that
the programmer (yes, you) can do to make BASIC programs more understandable.
VARIABLES - Run BASIC makes it easy to give your variables very meaningful
names. Since a variable name can be as long as you like and because Run BASIC
lets you use upper and lower case letters, variable names can be very
For example:
let c = (a^2 + b^2) ^ 0.5
could better be expressed:
let lengthOfCable = (distanceFromPole ^
2 + heightOfPole ^ 2) ^ 0.5
Both are valid Run BASIC code, but the second is easier to read and maintain.
BRANCH LABELS - Make sure that when you use goto that your branch labels
describe the kind of activity your BASIC program performs after the label. For
example if you are branching to a routine that displays help then use [help] as
your branch label. Or if you are branching to the end of your program you might
use [endProgram] or [quit] as branch labels.
COMMENTING CODE - BASIC also has a built in documentation feature that lets you
add as much commentary as you like in the language of your choice. The rem
(short for remark) statement lets you type whatever you like after it (you can
even misspell or type gobbledy-gook, it doesn't care!). For example:
rem Ask for the user's name
input "What is your name ?" ; yourName$
rem If the user didn't type anything, then ask again
if yourName$ = "" then goto [askForName]
Notice how a rem statement was added before the input statement and before the
if . . . then statement to describe what they should do. Run BASIC just skips
over these lines, but a human reader finds this kind of documentation very
Also see the way that blank lines were added between the different parts of the
program? These help to group things together, making the program easier to read.
A more elegant form of the rem statement uses the ' (apostrophe, the key just to
the left of the Enter key). Instead of typing rem, substitute the ' like so:
'Ask for the user's name
input "What is your name ?" ; yourName$
'If the user didn't type anything, then ask again
if yourName$ = "" then goto [askForName]
Most people consider this to be more readable than using rem, and it works the
same. One extra thing that you can do only with the apostrophe version of rem is
to hang it off the end of whatever line you are commenting. For example:
input "What is your name ?" ; yourName$ ' Ask for the user's name
if yourName$ = "" then goto [askForName] ' The user didn't type anything.
Ask again
This optional, but it saves screen space and many prefer it.
Learning to document the programs you write takes practice. Try to develop a
consistent style. Everyone does it differently and there isn't a right or wrong
way to do it. Very small programs may not need any documentation at all.
Programs that you intend to share with others should probably be thoroughly
Let's write a program - HILO.BAS
Now we will write a simple game using all of the concepts described in this
tutorial. These include:
input statement
print statement
let statement
goto statement
conditional branching with if . . . then
Hi-Lo is a simple guessing game. The computer will pick a number between 1 and
100. Our job is to guess the number in as few guesses as we can. When we guess,
the computer will tell us to guess higher or to guess lower depending on whether
we guessed too high or too low. When we finally get it, the computer will tell
us how many guesses it took.
Let's outline how our program will work before we begin to write code:
(1) Pick a number between 1 and 100
(2) Print program title and give some instructions
(3) Ask for the user to guess number
(4) Tally the guess
(5) If the guess is right go to step (9)
(6) If the guess is too low tell the user to guess higher
(7) If the guess is too high tell the user to guess lower
(8) Go back to step (3)
(9) Beep and tell the user how many guess it took to win
(10) Ask the user whether to play again
(11) If the user answers yes then clear the guess tally and goto step (1)
(12) Give the user instructions on how to close the game window
(13) End the program
When we write an outline for a computer program like we did here, the resulting
outline is often called pseudocode, which is a fancy name for false code. This
can be a useful tool for planning out software before it is written, and it can
be very helpful in developing ideas before code is actually written.
Now we are going to take each of the steps above and write BASIC code for each
step. We will document the code to explain its purpose:
(1) Pick a number between 1 and 100
'Here is an interactive HI-LO
guessMe = int(rnd(1)*100) + 1
The first couple of lines are just ' remark statements to give a brief
desciption for the program. The [start] branch label is equivalent to calling
this part of the program step
Now we have the code that picks the number. We use two functions here to
accomplish this task:
The rnd( ) function is the key to this line of code. It picks a random (or
nearly random) number greater than 0 and less than 1 (for example 0.3256). Then
we multiply this by 100 with the * operator to get a number between greater than
0 but less then 100 (0.3256 times 100 would be 32.56) ;
The int( ) function removes the fractional part to leave only the integer part
of the number (the 0.56 part of 32.56 would be removed to leave only 32).
Then we add 1 to this. This is necessary because we want to pick a number as
small as 1 and as large as 100. The rnd( ) function only gives us a number as
large as 0.9999999 and not as large as 1. If you multiply 0.9999999 by 100, the
biggest number you can get is 99.99999, and this is not big enough so we add
When we have picked the number, we assign its value to the variable guessMe.
2) Print program title and give some instructions
'Clear the screen and print the title
and instructions
print "HI-LO"
print "I have decided on a number between one"
print "and a hundred, and I want you to guess"
print "what it is. I will tell you to guess"
print "higher or lower, and we'll count up"
print "the number of guesses you use."
This very simple part of the program wipes the window clean and prints the title
HI-LO and some instructions. Notice the use of blank print statements to add
space between the title and the instructions and after the instructions also.
3) Ask for the user to guess number
'Ask the user to guess the number and tally the guess
input "OK. What is your guess"; guess
Here the branch label [ask] will let us go back here later if the user needs to
be asked to guess again. Then we use the input statement to ask the user for a
guess. The user's guess is then placed in the guess (what else?) variable.
4) Tally the guess
'Now add one to the count variable to
count the guesses
let count = count + 1
Now we take the value of count and add one to it. Each time this code is
performed, count's value will increase by one.
5) If the guess is right go to step (9)
'check to see if the guess is right
if guess = guessMe then goto [win]
This line compares the variable guess with the variable guessMe. If they are
equal, then we goto [win], which is equivalent to . . . go to step (9) in our
6) If the guess is too low tell the user to guess higher
'check to see if the guess is too low
if guess < guessMe then print "Guess higher."
This line compares the variable guess with the variable guessMe. If guess is
less than guessMe, then display the text "Guess higher."
7) If the guess is too high tell the user to guess lower
'check to see if the guess is too high
if guess > guessMe then print "Guess lower."
This line compares the variable guess with the variable guessMe. If guess is
greater than guessMe, then display the text "Guess lower."
8) Go back to step 3
'go back and ask again
goto [ask]
9) Beep and tell the user how many guess it took to win
'tell how many guesses it took to win
print "You win! It took "; count; " guesses."
'reset the count variable to zero for the next game
let count = 0
This is the code our game executes when the player wins. The beep statement
rings the terminal bell once. Then the print statement says that the game is won
and how many guesses it took. Finally, the let statement resets the count
variable to zero for the next game.
10) Ask the user whether to play again
'ask to play again
input "Play again (Y/N)"; play$
This input statement asks whether or not to play again. The resulting string is
stored in the string variable called play$.
11) If the user answers yes then goto step 1
if instr("YESyes", play$) > 0 then goto
This if . . . then statement uses the instr( ) function to determine whether the
player answered "Y", "y", "YES", or "yes". The instr( ) function checks to see
if the string in play$ is found anywhere in the string literal "YESyes". If it
is, then instr( ) returns the position, which is then compared with 0 using the
> operator. If the contents of play$ are found in "YESyes", then the value
returned from instr( ) will be greater than zero, so that goto [start] will be
executed, and the game will be restarted.
12) Thank the user for playing the game.
print "Thanks for playing!"
13) End the program
It is good practice place the end statement as the end of your BASIC programs.
It can also be used at any place where you want the program to stop running.
Here is the complete listing for HILO.BAS so that you can just copy and paste
it into Run BASIC and run it.
'Here is an interactive HI-LO
guessMe = int(rnd(1)*100) + 1
'Clear the screen and print the title and instructions
print "HI-LO"
print "I have decided on a number between one"
print "and a hundred, and I want you to guess"
print "what it is. I will tell you to guess"
print "higher or lower, and we'll count up"
print "the number of guesses you use."
'Ask the user to guess the number and tally the guess
input "OK. What is your guess?"; guess
'Now add one to the count variable to count the guesses
let count = count + 1
'check to see if the guess is right
if guess = guessMe then goto [win]
'check to see if the guess is too low
if guess < guessMe then print "Guess higher."
'check to see if the guess is too high
if guess > guessMe then print "Guess lower."
'go back and ask again
goto [ask]
'beep once and tell how many guesses it took to win
print "You win! It took "; count; " guesses."
'reset the count variable to zero for the next game
let count = 0
'ask to play again
input "Play again (Y/N)"; play$
if instr("YESyes", play$) > 0 then goto [start]
print "Thanks for playing!"