Lesson One Homework Solution
Copyright 2007 Shoptalk Systems
All Rights Reserved
'Ask for a dollar and cent amount
print "Type a dollar and cent amount."
input "(Press 'Enter' alone for help) ?"; amount
'Display help if user pressed [Enter]
if amount = 0 then [help]
'Calculate tax for the nearest 20 cent multiple
dollars = int(amount)
dollarsTax = dollars * 0.05
cents = amount - dollars
adjustment = 0.10
centsAdjusted = cents + adjustment
centsRounded = int(centsAdjusted / 0.20) * 0.20
centsTax = (centsRounded / 0.20) / 100
tax = dollarsTax + centsTax
'Display the amount, tax, and total
print "Product Price $"; using("#####.##", amount)
print "Sales Tax "; using("#####.##", tax)
print "------------------------"
print "Total ";
using("#####.##", tax + amount)
goto [start]
print "SALESTAX.BAS Help"
print "This tax program determines how much tax is"
print "due on an amount entered and also computes"
print "the total amount. The tax rate is 5%."
input "Press [Enter] to continue."; dummyVariable
goto [start]