Lesson Three Homework
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So far we covered the OUTPUT and INPUT file modes. These are for writing and reading files, respectively. This part of the lesson covers a new file mode called APPEND. We will also learn how to use the LINE INPUT statement, and we will also use a few other new Run BASIC statements in passing.

The APPEND file mode

There is a limitation in the OUTPUT file mode. The OUTPUT mode is only good for creating new files because it always deletes the contents of any file opened when it is used. For example:

  'open a file and print some information into it
  open "numbers.txt" for output as #numbers
  for x = 1 to 10
    print #numbers, x
  next x
  close #numbers

  'now rewrite the file, replacing its original contents
  open "numbers.txt" for output as #numbers
  for x = 11 to 20
    print #numbers, x
  next x
  close #numbers

Run the above program and open Notepad on NUMBERS.TXT. You'll see that only the numbers 11 to 20 will be in the file. The only way to retain the original information in the file and add new information using the OUTPUT mode would be to read the original information and insert it into a new file. Then the new information is inserted into the still open file. Here is what that code looks like:

  'open a file, and print some information into it, then close it
  open "numbers.txt" for output as #numbers
  for x = 1 to 10
    print #numbers, x
  next x
  close #numbers

  'open the original file for input
  open "numbers.txt" for input as #in
  'open the new file for output
  open "numbers2.txt" for output as #numbers

[copyLoop] 'copy the contents of numbers.txt to numbers2.txt
  if eof(#in) then [doneCopying] 'we reached the end of the file
  input #in, value
  print #numbers, value
  goto [copyLoop]

[doneCopying] 'close numbers.txt & print new numbers into numbers2.txt
  close #in
  for x = 11 to 20
    print #numbers, x
  next x
  close #numbers

  'delete the original numbers.txt file
  kill "numbers.txt"
  'rename numbers2.txt to numbers.txt
  name "numbers2.txt" as "numbers.txt"

Once the new file has been created containing the contents of the original file, plus our new numbers 11 to 20, we delete the old file using the KILL statement and rename the new file using the NAME statement.

There is a better way. Using the APPEND file mode, we can eliminate a lot of program code. The APPEND mode opens a file for writing, just like the OUTPUT mode does. Instead of erasing the contents of the file opened and starting at the beginning, the APPEND mode opens a file and retains everything. All we need to do then is write to the file, and everything we write will be added to the end of the file. Here is the example above rewritten using the APPEND mode:

  'open a file, and print some information into it, then close it
  open "numbers.txt" for output as #numbers
  for x = 1 to 10
    print #numbers, x
  next x
  close #numbers

  'open the original file for append
  open "numbers.txt" for append as #numbers
  for x = 11 to 20
    print #numbers, x
  next x
  close #numbers

This is much shorter and simpler than the last example. When we are done writing the numbers 11 to 20 there is no need to delete or rename files.

Comma delimited files

By default, the standard way of reading from a sequential file using the INPUT statement breaks up the data we read at each end of line, and at each comma. Look at these equivalent file contents:

File 1 contents:


File 2 contents:


File 3 contents:


All three of the above possible file contents would produce the same displayed output using a loop like the following:

[loop] 'display each item on its own line
  if eof(#in) then [stopLooping]
  input #in, item$ 'read the next item
  print item$
  goto [loop]

Since the comma is used to separate items (in addition to the end of line), this kind of file format is often called 'comma delimited'. This is a preferred generic format often used by commercial application software (spreadsheets are a good example) as a data export option. This is so that people like you and me can write our own customized software to use that information.

What if we want to use commas in our information? As an example, we decide that we will build an application that logs responses to a direct mail campaign, and we want the name to be entered in a single field. The name will be entered last name first, with a comma separating the last from the first name (example: Doe, John).

Take a look at this hypothetical file entry:

Doe, John
123 Main Street

Now look at this code fragment:

  input #in, name$
  input #in, street$
  input #in, city$
  input #in, state$
  input #in, zip$

If we read the file entry with the above code, name$ would only contain up to the first comma. So name$ would contain the string "Doe", street$ would contain "John", city$ would contain "123 Main Street", and so on. This is
not what we want.

There is a special form of the INPUT statement that will read a whole line from a file, including commas. It is the LINE INPUT statement. Here is the code fragment above rewritten using LINE INPUT:

  line input #in, name$
  line input #in, street$
  line input #in, city$
  line input #in, state$
  line input #in, zip$

Another example of where LINE INPUT is useful is reading of a text document, like this one. There are many commas in this document. Here is a short program that uses the FILEDIALOG statement to ask for a *.txt file to read. Then it opens the file and reads and displays it.

  'ask for a filename
  filedialog "Select a text file", "*.TXT", filename$

  'if filename$ = "" then the user canceled the file selection
  if filename$ = "" then end

  'open the file
  open filename$ for input as #in

[readLoop] 'read and display each line in the text file
  if eof(#in) then [stopLooping]
  line input #in, lineOfText$
  print lineOfText$
  goto [readLoop]

[stopLooping] 'close the file
  close #in

Run this small program and try it with a file that you know has some commas in it. Then change the line containing the LINE INPUT statement to use a regular INPUT statement and run the program again on the same file so you can see how they function differently.

Here's the assignment

Create a program called CALLER.BAS. This program will give the user the following options:

1) Enter a phone call
2) Search by caller's name
3) Search by person called
3) Quit

Menu item 1 will ask the user for phone call information and append it as a new record to the end of a file named PHONELOG.TXT. The added record must include:

1) Caller's name
2) Name of person called
3) Date of the call
4) Time of the call
5) A one line description of the call's purpose
6) A phone # where the caller can be reached

When searching, the program should stop and display the six data items for each record that matches and ask if the user wants to keep searching or quit the search. The program will display a notice if no matches are found.

Possible enhancement to CALLER.BAS

It is possible to search for a partial match. Look at the following code example:

  text$ = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
  searchFor$ = "FOX" 'change FOX to different values and re-run
  print "Searching for:"
  print " "; searchFor$
  print "In the following:"
  print " "; text$
  a$ = upper$(text$)
  b$ = upper$(searchFor$)
  if instr(a$, b$) > 0 then print "Found!" else print "Not Found!"

The UPPER$() function eliminates any letter case differences. The INSTR() function returns a 0 value if our uppercased searchFor$ is not found in our uppercased text, or it returns the position of searchFor$ if it is found.