Lesson 3 Homework Solution
Copyright 2007 Shoptalk Systems
All rights reserved
'Here is the solution to our homework assignment for
'lesson 3 of our Run BASIC course
[menu] 'display menu options
print "**Caller Log Program**"
print " 1) Enter a phone call"
print " 2) Search by caller's name"
print " 3) Search by person called"
print " 4) Quit"
print "Choose an option from 1 to 4."
input ">"; option
if option < 1 or option > 4 then gosub [badOption]
if option = 1 then gosub [enterAPhoneCall]
if option = 2 then gosub [searchByCallersName]
if option = 3 then gosub [searchByPersonCalled]
if option = 4 then [quit]
goto [menu]
[badOption] 'display a notice that a bad selection was made
print "Option "; option; " is unsupported."
input "Press Enter."; dummyVar$
[enterAPhoneCall] 'accept a phone log entry from the user
print "**Enter a Phone Call**"
input "Caller's name ?"; callersName$
input "Name of person called ?"; personCalled$
input "Date of call (press 'Enter' for "+date$()+") ?"; dateOfCall$
if dateOfCall$ = "" then dateOfCall$ = date$()
input "Time of call (press 'Enter' for "+time$()+") ?"; timeOfCall$
if timeOfCall$ = "" then timeOfCall$ = time$()
input "Purpose of call ?"; purposeOfCall$
input "Phone # where the caller can be reached ?"; callersPhone$
[saveEditCancelLoop] 'give the user the option to save, edit or abort
gosub [displayEntryInfo]
input "Save, Edit, Cancel Entry (S/E/C)?"; answer$
if answer$ = "S" or answer$ = "s" then gosub [saveEntry] : goto [menu]
if answer$ = "E" or answer$ = "e" then gosub [editEntry]
if answer$ = "C" or answer$ = "c" then [menu]
goto [saveEditCancelLoop]
[displayEntryInfo] 'display call information
print " Caller's name : "; callersName$
print " Name of person called : "; personCalled$
print " Date of call : "; dateOfCall$
print " Time of call : "; timeOfCall$
print " Purpose of call : "; purposeOfCall$
print "Caller can be reached at : "; callersPhone$
[editEntry] 'edit call information
print "**Edit Caller Entry**"
print " Caller's name : "; callersName$
input " Press Enter, or retype > "; newEntry$
if newEntry$ <> "" then callersName$ = newEntry$
print " Name of person called : "; personCalled$
input " Press Enter, or retype > "; newEntry$
if newEntry$ <> "" then personCalled$ = newEntry$
print " Date of call : "; dateOfCall$
input " Press Enter, or retype > "; newEntry$
if newEntry$ <> "" then dateOfCall$ = newEntry$
print " Time of call : "; timeOfCall$
input " Press Enter, or retype > "; newEntry$
if newEntry$ <> "" then timeOfCall$ = newEntry$
print " Purpose of call : "; purposeOfCall$
input " Press Enter, or retype > "; newEntry$
if newEntry$ <> "" then purposeOfCall$ = newEntry$
print "Caller can be reached at : "; callersPhone$
input " Press Enter, or retype > "; newEntry$
if newEntry$ <> "" then callersPhone$ = newEntry$
[saveEntry] 'write the entry info to PHONELOG.TXT
open "PHONELOG.TXT" for append as #phones
print #phones, callersName$
print #phones, personCalled$
print #phones, dateOfCall$
print #phones, timeOfCall$
print #phones, purposeOfCall$
print #phones, callersPhone$
close #phones
[searchByCallersName] 'look for a phone log entry by caller's name
print "**Search by Caller's Name**"
print "Please enter a partial name to search by."
input ">"; searchCaller$
if searchCaller$ = "" then [menu] 'nothing entered, abort search
searchCaller$ = upper$(searchCaller$) 'convert to uppercase for search
open "PHONELOG.TXT" for input as #in
foundFlag = 0
quitFlag = 0
if eof(#in) = -1 then [endOfCallerSearch]
gosub [readEntry] 'get next entry from PHONELOG.TXT
if instr(upper$(callersName$), searchCaller$) > 0 then gosub [matched]
if eof(#in) = 0 and quitFlag = 0 then [searchByCallerLoop]
close #in
if foundFlag = 0 then print "No matches."
input "Press Enter."; dummyVar$
goto [menu]
[searchByPersonCalled] 'look for a phone log entry by person called
print "**Search by Person Called**"
print "Please enter a partial name to search by."
input ">"; searchCalled$
if searchCalled$ = "" then [menu] 'nothing entered, abort search
searchCalled$ = upper$(searchCalled$) 'convert to uppercase for search
open "PHONELOG.TXT" for input as #in
foundFlag = 0
quitFlag = 0
if eof(#in) = -1 then [endOfCalledSearch]
gosub [readEntry] 'get next entry from PHONELOG.TXT
if instr(upper$(personCalled$), searchCalled$) > 0 then gosub [matched]
if eof(#in) = 0 and quitFlag = 0 then [searchByCalledLoop]
close #in
if foundFlag = 0 then print "No matches."
input "Press any key."; dummyVar$
goto [menu]
[readEntry] 'read the next entry from PHONELOG.TXT
line input #in, callersName$
line input #in, personCalled$
line input #in, dateOfCall$
line input #in, timeOfCall$
line input #in, purposeOfCall$
line input #in, callersPhone$
[matched] 'stop and show a match & ask what to do next
foundFlag = 1
print "---------Match---------"
gosub [displayEntryInfo]
input "Next Entry, Quit Searching (N/Q)"; answer$
'only check for quit response
if answer$ = "Q" or answer$ = "q" then quitFlag = 1
[quit] 'end CALLER.BAS here
print "Quitting. Bye!"